What are ‘Cohesive Gel’ Silicone Implants?

Posted by on May 6, 2016 in Breast Surgery, Plastic Surgery | Comments Off on What are ‘Cohesive Gel’ Silicone Implants?

What are ‘Cohesive Gel’ Silicone Implants?

If you’re thinking about getting breast implants, you’ll need to decide which type of implants is right for you. Saline and silicone have long been the standard options for breast implants. Saline, which is essentially a mixture of salt water, became popular due to its smaller incision requirements. Of course, silicone remains one of the most popular types of breast implants, as it offers a realistic look and feel that’s proportionate to the woman’s breast size.

But there’s a third type of breast implant that’s gaining momentum: cohesive gel. Also known as “Gummy Bear” or “form-stable” implants, they are designed to maintain their shape, even if the outer shell is punctured or otherwise broken. Technically, cohesive gel is a type of silicone, although it’s thicker than the silicone used in traditional breast implants. It receives its namesake from its thick consistency, which resembles that of a gummy bear. Cohesive gel implants are designed to maintain their shape for a longer period of time, offering a natural and realistic appearance.

Cohesive gel breast implants were first introduced during the 1980s, during which a thicker gel was used to increase cohesion. Today, cohesive gel implants have become a popular choice among women seeking breast implants, as it virtually eliminates the possibility of filler leakage as well as the migration of filler substance from the pocket to other locations within the body. Various studies, including the Experience with Anatomical Soft Cohesive Silicone gel Prosthesis in Cosmetic and Reconstructive Breast Implant Surgery (2004) and Cohesive Silicone gel Breast Implants in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery (2005) have found cohesive gel implants to yield a lower rate of capsular contracture and greater overall medical safety than previous generations of implants.

breast implantsAll three types of breast implants – silicone, saline and cohesive gel – have been approved for use by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in women over 18 years of age. The only real downside to the cohesive gel implants is the cost. When compared to silicone or saline, you can expect to pay more for cohesive gel.

So, is cohesive gel the right choice of breast implant for you? There are both pros and cons associates with its use. The procedure is less invasive, it offers more natural-looking breasts, and there’s a lower risk of rupture. Cohesive gel implants also cost more, however, which may discourage some women from seeking them. If you’re thinking about getting breast implants, talk with your plastic surgeon to learn more about the nuances between the different implant types and which one is best suited for your needs.

If you are considering getting breast implants or other cosmetic plastic surgery, contact Dr. Sherbert today for a consultation.